The Lake Issue
Digital Lake
At a distance, Bianka Oravecz’s Digital Lake could be mistaken for nature photography. But lurking beneath the glimmers and prismatic caustics of the water, the details of the uncanny, pseudo-organic lakebed lifeforms bely the true medium of these digitally-sculptured artworks. Using 3D modeling tools, Oravecz creates what she describes as “brainscans”: digital representations of her own dream-like inner visions. She created this original series for Silica Magazine’s Lake Issue.

Bianka Oravecz is a Vienna-based new media artist who aims to produce a unique visual language via creative developments in art, science and technology. She studies Digital Art at Die Angewandte, The University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her work has been featured on VICE's The Creator's Project and on Newhive, and more can be found at facebook.com/ultrabianka.